Christine, the infamous car from Stephen King's novel and subsequent film adaptation, is a menacing entity that exudes an aura of malevolence. Possessing a 1958 Plymouth Fury, Christine is no ordinary vehicle. Its sleek, cherry-red exterior hides a dark secret—a deep-rooted obsession with its owner. As the story unfolds, Christine becomes a symbol of pure evil, unleashing its supernatural powers to protect and avenge its owner, often at the cost of innocent lives. The car's supernatural nature, coupled with its unnerving ability to repair itself and its insatiable thirst for revenge, makes Christine an iconic character in the realm of horror.

                                                                                                              Click the picture to be taken to more pictures of Christine 

Stepping into the presence of Christine evokes an immediate sense of dread and unease. Its sinister headlights and eerie engine growl create an ominous atmosphere, leaving an indelible impression on all who encounter it. The car's malevolent influence extends beyond its physical appearance, as it possesses a dark aura that corrupts and manipulates those who come into contact with it. Christine's presence serves as a constant reminder of the destructive power lurking within, instilling fear and fascination in equal measure. In the world of horror fiction, Christine stands as a testament to the enduring allure of a haunted machine, forever etching its place in the annals of automotive malevolence.

The restoration of Christine was a labor of love and a testament to the passion and dedication of its owner. The once malevolent vehicle, battered and worn from years of neglect, underwent a remarkable transformation. With meticulous attention to detail, the restoration team painstakingly revived Christine's cherry-red exterior, restoring its glossy shine and bringing back the car's nostalgic charm. The interior was meticulously refurbished, with every knob, button, and dashboard component restored to its original glory. As each part was carefully repaired or replaced, Christine began to emerge from its dormant state, breathing new life into the classic vehicle. The restoration of Christine not only preserved a piece of automotive history but also represented a triumph over darkness, as the car's malevolent past was overshadowed by the dedication and craftsmanship poured into its revival.

If you get a chance to see her, drop whatever you are doing an make it happen. Once you are behind the wheel, you will know why.

This post was originally ran on - you can view the original HERE


I have been an avid TTRPG gamer since 1981. I am a veteran, blogger, accredited play tester, and IT professional. With over 40 years of experience in the RPG gaming industry, I have seen the evolution of Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy movies, television and games the early days to the latest virtual reality technology.

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